So in my next movie, Cherry Bomb, I go on killing spree, and I've never shot a gun before and in this movie I'm using about 3 or 4 different types, so the guys took my to the gun range so I could at least look like I know what I'm doing when it comes to the film. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty scary at first, just because I don't know how guns work and ect. But after the first couple of rounds, I got the hang of it, even hit some targets! There is a better behind the scenes video they are going to put with the dvd, but here are some that I took with my camera. So check out Cherry Bomb for updates at :) xoxo ~julin
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010
Skinny and Healthy

That's what everyone wants to be, even me of course, why not? There are many types of skinny though, Hollywood skinny, and normal skinny are not the same thing, and depends on who you ask also.
I just like to feel good about my self, I don't care that much what other people think.
But on my quest to be healthier I learned some of my own tricks to this I want to share.
First off, I started eating breakfast, nothing big, but I will have 8oz of odwalla smoothie and 2 tablespoons of flax seed oil mixed in, then I kinda down it. And I'll have some PG tips English tea or green tea, and green tea actually helps you burn fat. Or I'll add some fresh fruit to that, blueberries and strawberries, or 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter and marmalade , yum! Then I'll write a blog or check my email while waiting 30-45 min before I go to the gym. I can't just wake up and go to the gym, who wants to do that?
Then I try to go to the gym for a bit, I would rather workout outside, but it's way too cold. Then I'll come back and have a spinach egg white omelet, with 3 or 4 eggs, one with the yolk, so not all egg white. Maybe I'll buckle down and have a soy latte with that.
Then I'll do whatever else I have to do for the day.
My favorite snack is about 20 almonds poured into a cup then I put honey on top and eat it with a spoon, it's pretty good I'll have that with some peppermint tea.
For dinner I'll have a salad or cooked veggies with some kind of protein, usually fish.
and dessert, I love frozen yogurt or sour patch kids, or sometimes I will try to eat just fruit, but that doesn't happen I have to put it in the yogurt.
If I'm really hungry, I'll snack on some fresh fruit, cottage cheese and gluten free crackers, oatmeal, edamae.
I don't ever let myself starve or be really hungry, when you are happy and healthy, that's when your beautiful, not skinny and starving and depressed, it's like they all go together, I mean we only live once, so make the best out of it you know. And I know that eating fast food and pizza does not make me happy, I feel gross, but once in a while it's fun.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Teen Pregnancy

I love Thora Birch, and even though she was in a kinda lame movie, nothing like American Beauty, but I still watched it, it was free. It was called Preganancy Pact. It's about these 15 year old girls who all wanted to get pregnant at the same time. Weird, when I was 15 I was not thinking about babies, I was thinking about partying and playing tennis. I had no desire to have kids at all, back in Highschool that was like a deal breaker. No college, no single life, nothing. So I just can't imagine little girls wanting to have kids.
Then I thought about, what if I had a little girl, how could I stop her from getting pregnant young? There is really no way that you can stop someone from doing what they want to do. I'm the youngest of 4, so my mom always told me, if I did get pregnant then I'm on my own, because she raised 4 kids and doesn't want to do it again, I will have to get a job, pay for everything myself, plus I know that they would be really disappointed in me, which would be the most devasting thing. I'm pretty close to both of my parents.
Huh, so weird, I was thinking if I was in that position then I would just say the same thing, but when my mom said it, she really meant it, and I knew it. Some of the people I know growing up that had kids, was like yeah, my mom said that too, but now she's going to help. I was like no, my mom wouldn't change her mind at all.
I believe everything happens for a reason though, even if it's not true, it's just better to think that way, I think, and when a bunch of negative things happen to you, and life totally sucks, that's just because something really great is about to happen to you. It always works for me. The power of positive thinking.
This is the movie where I rememerd Thora Birch, I always wanted to be like these girls when I was little: Thora Birch & Christina Ricci.
I love this movie too, and just found out that the 2 girls from Now and Then are in it together, lol
Monday, February 8, 2010
Let's Talk Coffee

So if you know me, you know I love coffee, but you don't really know why or how much. The thing is, it's not just about the coffee, it's about the coffee shop, the idea of coffee, and the culture, I guess.
Before I decided to kinda pursue my acting full-time, well, I can't even say that, ok how do I say this, when I got out of school, I never wanted a 9-5 job, I wanted to open up my own business, and there is this place in Houston, I go to a lot it's called Agora, I put a picture up, so I just love being there and so I thought if I could just have a place of my own, and I could hang out there all the time why not.
So, I did a bunch of research, learned everything there is to know about coffee, and the business, and decided that before I settle down I want to be free and travel and enjoy my younger years first. Because once you open up a business it's not like you can take off to Europe for a month, you have to stay there for a while, make sure everything is going ok, then you can take off.
So I read this book called "The joy of Coffee," and I learned that starbucks makes the worst coffee ever, they make a Carmel macchiato like a latte, their beans are 2 years old, and the cheapest ones you can buy, because no one goes there and orders real coffee, just sweet drinks, but enough about that.... point was, that every morning when I make coffee, I have to decide how I'm going to make it, I have 4 coffee makers, one that only makes real American coffee, the 3 others just make Espresso, One is The Moka, which is one of the easier ones, and it's what I used this morning, it was first made in 1933, and since Italians travel to the coffee shop several times a day, when they want it at home they use an easy inexpensive, (about $30) way to do it themselves. So, when I make it in that device, I warm some milk in the microwave and I have a latte. You have to put espresso extra fine grind in the machine, or you can buy it already ground, like me I sometimes buy El Pico :D
If I want regular American coffee, I like to grind my own beans, because they are the freshest when you grind them your self, every day they sit unground the less fresh they are, you get it, you have to get the one wear you can select different types of grind too, it's about ($50), so I use this Bodum Plunger Pot or French Press ($20). It's really easy too you just take your regular ground beans, put them at the bottom and then fill it up with hot water and let it sit for 4-6 min, then press the handle down to filter out the coffee. You have to figure the kinda portions you want though. I always guesstimate.
The other 2 I have, are espresso machines, one is really cute and red, and I bought it because I liked the way it looked and it matched my kitchen, only I found out later that it only takes pods, but it's still cute so I kept it. I put a picture up, I have the exact one.
The other one is more original you put your own beans in there and have to pack them in and it's a lot to clean so I really don't use that one at all anymore. I should sell it actually.
Well, that's it, if your interested in where the best beans are or considered the best blend, there is one place in Houston to buy it, others are knock offs, it's about $18 for a small bag it's called Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee.
It's really expensive, I found $179.52 for a 3lb bag! on Amazon.
Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee or Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee is a classification of coffee grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. The best lots of Blue Mountain coffee are noted for their mild flavour and lack of bitterness. Over the last several decades, this coffee has developed a reputation that has made it one of the most expensive and sought-after coffees in the world. In addition to its use for brewed coffee, the beans are the flavor base of Tia Maria coffee liqueur.
Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is a globally protected certification mark meaning that only coffee certified by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica can be labeled as such. It comes from a recognised growing region in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica and its cultivation is monitored by the Coffee Industry Board of Jamaica.
The Blue Mountains are generally located between Kingston to the south and Port Maria to the north. Rising to 2,300 metres (7,500 ft), they are some of the highest mountains in the Caribbean. The climate of the region is cool and misty with high rainfall. The soil is rich with excellent drainage. This combination of climate and soil is considered ideal for coffee.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Taking Woodstock

So I have seen the documentry about WoodStock some time ago, I'm a huge fan of Janis Joplin, my dream would be to play her in a movie, I can totally pull of the voice, I can get the look too I think.
OK so, first of all I'm in love with Emile Hirsch, So I look forard to anything he is in, and when I saw he was in a movie about WoodStock, I was like awesome, I really wanted to watch, but then I forgot about it, but last night looking for something to watch, I saw it was onDemand, YAY!
I love it!!! So much so that I want to be a Hippie, everyone seems so happy, I wish I was alive back then, I would have been there.
Its about this guy who claims he was responsible for where it was held, and there is this guy on a horse with long curly brown hair and a leather brown vest,he just seems so peaceful and his eyes sparkle, his hair flows through the wind while he rides his horse, he's just like love and peace man. OMG, I love it!
Also Paul Dano is in it, he is the guy from Little Miss Sunshine, and there is this crazy theater troupe that get's naked all the time for no reason, and the Jewish mom keeps chasing them with a broom, because they live in their barn, it's so funny!!!
My friend Melissa totally bought the poster from Marshalls back in the day, and I thought it was cool, but I didn't get one too, at the time, but now I'm totally jealous and want one, and am going to make a shirt!
According to Elliot Tiber in his 2007 book Taking Woodstock, Tiber offered to host the event on his 15 acres (61,000 m2) motel[clarification needed], and had a permit for such an event. He claims to have introduced the promoters to dairy farmer Max Yasgur.[12] Lang, however, disputes Tiber's account, and says that Tiber introduced him to a real estate salesman, who drove him to Yasgur's farm without Tiber. Sam Yasgur, Max's son, agrees with Lang's account.[13] Yasgur's land formed a natural bowl sloping down to Filippini Pond on the land's north side. The stage would be set at the bottom of the hill with Filippini Pond forming a backdrop. The pond would become a popular skinny dipping destination.
The organizers once again told Bethel authorities they expected no more than 50,000 people.
Really cool so it was 1969, not the 70s. And they said that the people dressed bohemian, and that's where my grama's from, Bohemia,lol, so that's totally me!
I knew I was in the wrong century!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Feb is the new Jan!

When you get a chance, check out my interview with my friend Michael Gingold of Fangoria Magazine, we chatted when I was in NYC, I miss you New York! I told him about how making The Final almost killed me! literally! lol, and Check out The Final at your nearest Theater, I'll be at the Houston one tomorrow at 2pm!
I never thought I would be as busy as I am now, when the year started I had so much time, I was like, wow, hmmm, how about I do a blog, I haven't even had time to get on here now. Which is great, though.
I feel like Feb is the start of the new year for me, not so much Jan. Today I went to the gym, woke up excited about the day, went to the bank, doing 2 chores in a day is a lot for me, tomorrow I want to go for 3 but we'll see.
So good so far, I gave up on the NO COFFEE RULE, um I love coffee I can't help it, & I have a really expensive Italian espresso maker, am I suppose to let the go to waste for a whole year? NO!
I watched Whip It last night, I love that movie, it looks like a lot of fun to make, I can't wait to start working on my movies, that's in a month though, so just recording till then 5 songs down um 9 to go!
Thanks for reading!
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