I love Thora Birch, and even though she was in a kinda lame movie, nothing like American Beauty, but I still watched it, it was free. It was called Preganancy Pact. It's about these 15 year old girls who all wanted to get pregnant at the same time. Weird, when I was 15 I was not thinking about babies, I was thinking about partying and playing tennis. I had no desire to have kids at all, back in Highschool that was like a deal breaker. No college, no single life, nothing. So I just can't imagine little girls wanting to have kids.
Then I thought about, what if I had a little girl, how could I stop her from getting pregnant young? There is really no way that you can stop someone from doing what they want to do. I'm the youngest of 4, so my mom always told me, if I did get pregnant then I'm on my own, because she raised 4 kids and doesn't want to do it again, I will have to get a job, pay for everything myself, plus I know that they would be really disappointed in me, which would be the most devasting thing. I'm pretty close to both of my parents.
Huh, so weird, I was thinking if I was in that position then I would just say the same thing, but when my mom said it, she really meant it, and I knew it. Some of the people I know growing up that had kids, was like yeah, my mom said that too, but now she's going to help. I was like no, my mom wouldn't change her mind at all.
I believe everything happens for a reason though, even if it's not true, it's just better to think that way, I think, and when a bunch of negative things happen to you, and life totally sucks, that's just because something really great is about to happen to you. It always works for me. The power of positive thinking.
This is the movie where I rememerd Thora Birch, I always wanted to be like these girls when I was little: Thora Birch & Christina Ricci.
I love this movie too, and just found out that the 2 girls from Now and Then are in it together, lol
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