YAY, So I've been under wraps about the 2 new projects, I'm working on, I've been wanting it to get heard on these press things I have been doing. But I'm so super excited about both of them. There is more info here: http://geektyrant.com/news/2010/1/26/exclusive-interview-actresssingermodel-julin-vs-brian-s.html
also some exclusive pics and ect. I don't have anything interesting to write, except that I'm 100% well, if you read my old posts, you would know that I had something for a while, took a lot of vitimens and got better.
I had my last cupcake today, OMG Crave Cupcakes are amazing! lol, I started doing lol alot, I have no idea why, I think I got it from one of my friends lol, just kidding lol. Ok I'm going to stop.
So the movie I'm focusing on first is called Cherry Bomb, and I'm playing Cherry! YAY! That's also an old Joan Jett song btw Cherry Bomb, not Cherry, and it's based in the 80's. I'm super excited, I have done a "time based film", I don't know what you would call it, but yeah, most of my stuff has been present time. And I get to kick some A$$. No it's a challenge, I'm more excited about that and working with new people. The other stuff is just fun bonus. Always wanted to be a stripper, make the P's proud lol. :D
So I'm just working out everyday and practing my dance moves, I know, boring to talk about.....hmmmmmmmmmm....
Oh my facebook page was deleted, but that's old news already, I have a new one, but it's not the same :(, I don't know who I had on the list, I miss my photos, but I got some new people looking for the old people so that's kinda cool, it's www.facebook.com/julinjean. It's kinda fun, like I started over, but I'm kinda over facebook now that my page was deleted, it's not the same :/.
I don't put anything personal on there, I don't care who adds me, but I did make a "fan page," I think it's retarded but you can't have a facebook page and talk about your acting, I don't know, I don't get it, so I did it. It's http://www.facebook.com/pages/Julin-Jean/263983632271.
My Movie The Final is coming to Theaters This Jan 29th!
Check out listings at
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