I joined this show that I was mislead to be about something else, and the next 8 days were the weirdest and I met some of the dumbest/selfish people I have ever met in the entertainment industry. I'm not talking about the cast. I'm talking about the crew and production team, someone pointed out to me later that they are like the bottom feeders of the entertainment world. I agree, but I was still stuck there by my contract, I tried to have fun, and make the most of it, just by trying to play the role, but in the end, I really couldn't take it anymore, and had to jet. Of course they don't show any of that on the show but o-well.
So the year coming I had no idea that some of the cast that went through the same thing I did we became really close, close enough for 2 LA trips and 1 vegas trip together, really just 5 of us from the show. Then I think back and think that I shouldn't have taken it so seriously I just didn't know what the F was going on, my acting agent never found out I did it, so that was good :). And I actually made 6 films for last year, which is kinda like a record for me, and I thought my acting career was over! HAHA!

So, it actually wasn't so bad after all, and kinda fun in a goofy way. It's like a gamble those things, you never know how it's going to turn out.
So today marks the day one year. I'm ready to see what this year brings, as soon as I am 100% better, I thought I was but I'm actually not, but was thinking I would go get a coffee and some fruit, go to the gym, and start working on this screen play, I have in mind. It's a romantic sorta comedy drama. It would be amazing if it was picked up by someone, that is the dream then they can pay for my trip to Europe, that is the goal.
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